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Losing Weight Is About The Food You Eat

Losing weight is something many people strive to do, yet most never manage to maintain any weight loss for too long! But why is this? Learn how food contributes to your weight as well as learning the best ways to lose weight and keep it off!

New Diet Disguised As A “Lifestyle” Change

If you want to lose weight, and have been told that you need a “lifestyle change”, that’s the equivalent of a life sentence in Diet Prison. Why can some people eat anything they want, and others gain weight, seemingly, by just looking at it?

Blast Away Fat With Weight Loss Accelerators (How to Fight Weight Loss Plateaus)

Weight loss plateaus frustrate and discourage even the most committed individuals. Discover how to work through a plateau and get back on track to fat blasting.

What Will You Gain When You Lose or Why You Need to Keep Remembering the Benefits of Weight Loss

Interested in losing weight permanently? This article explains the importance of answering the simple question, “What will you gain when you lose?” and how it will impact your weight loss journey.

How to Lose Weight Without the Yo-Yo Dieting

Are you trying to lose those extra pounds quick? If you are looking for a “quick way” to lose weight, there are no shortages of fad diets around. Most people today get caught in the “latest and greatest” diet fads, promising to help you lose several pounds in as little as a week or two. Most of these diets claim you can lose weight fast with minimal effort. You may have heard some of the promises, “lose 10 pounds in a week”, “how to lose weight fast”, “shed your body fat in 10 days”. If you’ve been trying to lose weight, these types of diets can be very tempting… but buyer beware! There is no magic pill, or no special combination of foods that will MAKE you lose weight. As a matter of fact, most of these fad diets are not worth trying at all.

The Right Weight Loss Formula

Most people find themselves lost in their search for the best solution to solve their weight problem. More often than not, they are left frustrated and disappointed after trying out tons of ways and yet still wasn’t able to even lose a single inch. Probably one of the reasons why they kept on failing is because they are misguided with the tons of information they get on TV, magazines and on infomercials. These people usually fall prey upon the many marketing schemes that big companies that produce weight loss products.

Top 15 Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

Habits can be helpful or they can be obstacles in our way. These tips can help you develop new empowering habits that will help you develop the healthy lifestyle you deserve.

Why Don’t Crash Diets Work?

Crash diets are started by many frantic people at the start of a New Year. The appeal is that people think they can lose a lot of weight in the shortest possible time.

Weight Loss Success With A Wellness Coach

You want to lose weight. You have options. You could try a traditional weight loss program and count points or calories. You could use a prepackaged meal plan. There’s the two meal replacement shakes a day and one healthful meal. You could hire a personal trainer or buy a gym membership or both. One underused option that’s now becoming news on the corporate circuit could be the solution you’re looking for now too. Recent escalating health care costs have employers actively seeking ways to keep claims down and encourage better health habits among their employees. In the end not only will they benefit from reduced claims but from enhanced productivity, alertness, moral and less absenteeism. How could you benefit from a wellness coach and why might you seek one instead of other options if you want weight loss? Read on for answers.

Tips for New Year’s Goals For All Year Success

Contemplating a change? Want to lose a few pounds? Are you going to vow to get to the gym more regularly? You’re committing to eating better? This is not the first time you’ve set goals. In fact, this may not be the first time you’ve set this very same goal. Let’s dissect it and make it better. The traditional problem with goal setting around an outcome that involves behavior is that we focus on outcome and ignore the actions. If for instance, you wish to lose 10lbs. this month: you may break that into weeks and tell yourself that’s 2.5lbs. each week. You may indeed begin to exercise and declare that you’re going to “eat better.” What’s wrong with that picture? First, this is a very common goal setting mistake.

Is Raspberry Ketone Drops For Weight Loss For You?

Raspberry ketone drops is just one of the many weight loss supplements that promise fast and effective results. These supplements have been made available in the health and wellness community because of the growing need of people to maintain healthy weight. But with the hundreds of supplements to choose from, deciding which one to choose can prove to be challenging.

Do You Need Yacon Pills For Weight Loss?

Yacon pills are made available as a form of weight loss supplement, and they are starting to gain attention in the health and wellness community. They are made from the tuberous plant yacon, which can be found in the Andean mountains in South America. It is not difficult to get curious about the supplement, especially that they are becoming popular among those who want to lose weight faster than usual.

Weight Loss: Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

If you are like most people who made a resolution for the New Year, you have resolved to lose weight. Unfortunately, if you are like most people, you will fail to keep your resolution. Most of us have gone on diets and lost weight. But, most people gain back more than they lost. Don’t set a vague resolution that has no power to motivate you when the going gets tough. Really lose the weight this year — and keep it off!

Do You Need Green Coffee Bean Extract For Weight Loss?

Green coffee bean extract is one of the weight loss supplements that has caught the attention of many consumers, and perhaps you are one of them. After all, who would not be curious about this supplement when it contains one word that may be a part of your everyday life: coffee. Through research and innovation, manufacturers have found another use for coffee beans, that is, to help people lose weight.

The Simple Reasons for Massive Obesity

Over the years I tried many different ways of eating there was a time I was on a mission to put on weight and had a tough time gaining weight it cost more money to gain weight than it did to lose weight. I came to the conclusion that extra bodyweight was really affecting my life in a bad way and I decided it was time to lose some weight and managed to lose 85 lbs in 5 months just…

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