Real Good Foods Bowls Review | Are They Worth It? | With Health Coach Tara (& Jeremy) | 2020

Lose Weight in a Fun Way – Drink Green Tea!

Green Tea and Health Benefits – We all know that this powerful tea has dozens of different health benefits. There is no doubt about it. From improving skin to fighting against depression, and from lowering cholesterol to treating diabetes, it has numerous health advantages.

4 Proven Tips You Can Do Today to Lose Weight and Keep It Off!

Tip #1 Eat Breakfast – According to a 2001 Huffington Post article 31 million Americans skip breakfast every single day and thus to help maximize their weight gain. Your body has been fasting all night long, so skipping breakfast puts the body in starvation mode. This results in the body slowing down its metabolism for the whole day, which creates a larger appetite for dinner. In order to prevent your body from going into starvation mode, start your day by eating breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast will revive your metabolism from its fasting state, which took place when you were sleeping, and help curb your appetite throughout the day. Studies have shown people who eat breakfast tend to be skinner than people who skip breakfast.

5 Ways To Stop Sugar Cravings And Start Losing Weight

One of the most difficult challenges to deal with when you start losing weight is stop sugar cravings. Sugar is very addictive and the more you eat the more you want. Here are 5 ways to help you stop sugar sugar cravings and start losing weight.

Health Is Wealth – How To Lose Weight Successfully By Staying Motivated!

Fruitful weight reduction or, all the more appropriately, effective fat loss, is not only about calories or hitting the gym. What it takes to effectively shed pounds is a motivated personality. Everything else, from adhering to solid sustenance to working out routinely, stems completely from your attitude. Presently you could be thinking ‘However I’ve needed to shed pounds permanently and it is not accomplished!’ That’s not a motivated personality – that is pie in the sky contemplating achievement. In the event that your brain was genuinely motivated to help you get more fit, it would as of now be occurring.

Food for Healthy Weight Loss

Any health and fitness enthusiast must have that one healthy breakfast staple that helps them get through the day. However, who says you have to be content with the same plate of egg white omelette or bowl of oatmeal every single morning? They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day to a healthy and delicious start. So we better live up to its full potential! Here are healthy and fun breakfast meals you need to address your weight loss needs and give you a good morning!

Staying Positive While Losing Weight

Losing weight is so very difficult, but we can stay positive about it even when we mess up one day. Here are some ideas to keep you head strong in your progress to a successful weight loss program. This will keep you positive and will keep you going to your goal.

Why Weight Management Isn’t About How GOOD You Eat

People often sit across from me in my office and describe to me how they eat when they are “being good”. Many times they are eating better than I do on my healthiest days. Yet they are still in my office asking advice on how to lose weight and keep it off. You see, it isn’t about how good you eat, it’s about how bad you eat when you aren’t “being good”.

5 Best Workouts To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

There are many different exercises to get rid of belly fat, but if you dread doing them or get bored after a few minutes then they are not the right ones for you. Try one of these 5 workouts to help you to get the results you want.

Winning the Inner Game of Weight Loss Part 2

When we plant a rose seed in the earth, we notice that it is small, but we do not criticize it as “rootless and stemless.” We treat it as a seed, giving it the water and nourishment required of a seed. When it first shoots up out of the earth, we don’t condemn it as immature and underdeveloped; nor do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appear.

An Instructor’s Zumba Fitness Journey

My journey started about eight years ago. The gym I belonged to was playing Latin music one day when I had come to work out. I naturally asked, “Why the Latin music?” They had said they were starting a new program at the gym called Zumba Fitness. I asked when the class was because I wanted to check it out.

Belly Fat – What It Is and Why You Should Get Rid of It

If you want to lose belly fat, you should think of reasons for getting rid of your excess abdominal fat? One reason is that the bulge in the middle of your body makes you look ugly. But the more important reason is that the excess fat sitting around your belly is not only ugly but also harmful to your health.

How to Overcome Junk Food Cravings With Weight Loss Hypnosis

You know that you have to say no to junk food, but this can be one of the most difficult weight loss tasks. Though everybody is aware of the health impact of junk food, dealing with emotional cravings is a bit more challenging than relying on willpower and determination.

Calories In and Calories Out Theory, Is It Still Applicable in Body Weight Management?

Conventional wisdom has taught us that if you want to lose weight you should cut calories intake. Most people still believe in the theory of calories in over calories out. Our bodies are not the same and a one size fits all model of weight management does not work. Our bodies will use calories from various types of food differently depending on what the body requires at that stage. If the use of calories by our bodies is so complex, the theory of counting calorie intake may not be useful for weight management. Therefore, different context will require a different plan of action in order to achieve the desired results.

A Foolproof Plan to Lose Weight in a Hectic Schedule

In the daily hustle and bustle, we forget to maintain our body. Desk jobs, unhealthy diet and a boring routine, make us gain weight. In early stages, we do not realize the difference.

Inadequate Sleep Can Make You Fat

In the morning, do you always snooze your alarm clock a few times before waking? Or do you feel sleepy in the middle of your work, and needed a cup coffee so badly? Or do you skipped your evening exercise because you are too tired? Or do pick up “to go” meal because you are too tired to cook? All these problems have a common denominator: SLEEP DEPRIVATION. Inadequate sleep is a vicious cycle that can cause weight gain and affect your health.

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