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Top 10 Low Carbohydrate Foods

A low carbohydrate diet is now becoming a common song all ever the world. This has been necessitated by an increase in lifestyle diseases affecting a bigger proportion of our population globally. The main challenge is having a proper understanding of our nutritional needs and what to buy at our food stores that contain lower amounts of carbohydrates.

Our Top 10 Fat Burning Foods

We have listed foods that if eaten on a frequent basis, may help to lower the high amount of body fat. All these foods share common characteristics which are a high fiber content, low sugar levels and rich in vitamins and minerals.

How Metabolism Works In The Body

Metabolism refers to the total biochemical reactions that take place in our living cells. These reactions involve the uptake, synthesis, assimilation and the breaking down of the major biomolecules. The biomolecules may be proteins, carbohydrates and Lipids. All the food that we eat must undergo these biochemical reaction reactions for us to be in a healthy state. Our sustenance is greatly dependent on the normal functioning of these processes.

The Best Weight Loss Supplements of 2013

What are the best weight loss supplements of 2013? Well, that’s a subjective question, but we did some research and have come up with 4 best products available in the market today. We narrowed it down based on people’s interest, actual sales and actual results. And they are all natural and they work!

A Fairly Painless Diet Could Help You Avoid a Heart Attack or Stroke

When you think of a ‘diet’ chances are you imagine bland, boring meals day after day- but it doesn’t have to be that way. Rather than thinking of diets, think of changing your approach to preparing and eating meals in a way that lets you enjoy what you eat while staying fit at the same time. The DASH plan is one option that allows both.

4 Sneaky Metabolism-Boosting Tricks

Would you like to lose weight and have more energy? Would you like to do so eating chocolate and sleeping more? Find out how these and other tips can help boost your metabolism.

Green Coffe Bean Extract For Weight Loss: Are There Any Side Effects?

For many, the road to weigh loss is not only unexpectedly long and painful, but often littered with failed miracle potions, diet fads, and useless exercise gimmicks. In recent months, diet supplements containing green coffee bean extract as their main ingredient have been all the rage, but they don’t come without their own concerns.

Diet Tips For Six Pack Abs

Discover how you too can have six pack abs. Learn what foods to avoid and what you should eat to get that flat belly. A well balanced diet ensures you control your blood sugar and hormone levels.

Eat Yourself Skinny! 15 Powerful Super Foods to Rev Up Metabolism Right From Your Own Grocery Store

Here are the latest 15 powerful super foods that you should find at your local grocery store that will rev up your metabolism leaving your waist looking and feeling better than before. 1. Fennel Tea Fennel tea should be drunk prior to sleeping.

New Breakthrough 4-In-1 Anti-Oxidant Supplement: Acai, Resveratrol, Green Coffee, Garcinia Cambogia

Known for their combination of anti-aging, detoxifying and weight loss properties, all 4 of these latest blended anti-oxidants are argued to be the most advanced of their kind in their field since the release of one of the first and arguably most popular anti-oxidants – Acai – back in 2009. 1. Acai for Detox Acai antocyathins as they’re termed are essentially a detoxifying agent although they are marketed as weight loss supplements, but this isn’t strictly true.

How to Lose Weight in 7 Days?

I know you want to look smart in 7 days. Although I do not recommend fast weight loss programs but still I have found these great tips that will help you make a big difference. Dear friend Every expert can tell you the roadway to weight loss success.

Burn Fat And Feel Great With These Weight Loss Ideas

Losing weight is often a struggle and you’ve likely heard that, in order to benefit your health, you need to shed the excess weight. Although losing weight is hard, it is not impossible.

Top 3 Reason Why Raspberry Ketone Drops Works Faster Than Other Weight Loss Supplements

Raspberry ketone works faster than other weight loss supplements for several reasons. It helps speed up a person’s metabolism, it suppresses appetite, and its active ingredients are absorbed three times faster than supplements that come in pill form.

Weight Loss Smoothie Fast: A Guide for Beginners

If you’re not new to the world of dieting then chances are that you’ve already heard about the wonders of a smoothie fast. Going raw and all-natural with your food choices is currently popular among dieters around the globe. But if you’re not sold to the idea of eating nothing but fresh carrot sticks or cucumber slices all day then the solution you’re looking for is a smoothie fast. A smoothie fast is basically replacing your regular meals with a glass of smoothie made of fresh fruits and vegetables during a period of time.

Achieve a Flat Belly by Drinking Green Smoothies

Who says delicious food can’t help you lose weight and achieve a flat stomach? Replacing your meals with fruit and vegetable smoothies will provide you with the essential nutrients you need for healthy body function, for an energy boost and for healthy weight loss. Many testify to the slimming power of smoothies and more and more people are undergoing a smoothie fast to gain a variety of health benefits. Fresh fruits and vegetables are low-calorie, high-fiber foods that keeps your metabolism at speed, therefore leading to healthy weight loss.

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