What’s The Best Time Of Day To Exercise (According To A Health Coach)

Busting 3 Weight Loss Myths to Burn Belly Fat

This is an informative article exposing a few of the most common conception myths of how to lose weight. There are also some weight loss tips and tricks for the best way to lose weight naturally with a balanced healthy diet containing fat burning foods. Besides losing belly fat you will learn to empower yourself with energy and vitality by changing the ways you have been trying to lose weight that have been causing you to fail and provide you with lasting methods which will work easily and in harmony with your body.

Gaining the Benefits of Vitamin Added and Alkaline Beverages

Want to know how vitamin added and alkaline beverages can help you? Here are some of the amazing facts listed in one place.

Some Fad Diets And Their Premises: Do They Work?

More and more fad diets are going out in the market nowadays. One after the other says you’ll lose weight in as little time as possible. You’d like to think that this and that fad diet will make losing weight easier. Most of them say “eat a few of these foods” and “eat only in this way” and you’ll lose weight. There are fad diets that result to quick weight loss, and there are some that are difficult to follow. What you particularly have to watch out for are the fad diets that can put your health in danger. Here is a list of the most popular fad diets.

Ignite the Fat Furnace: How I Lost 11kg in 4 Months

Being a gout patient is not easy. An obese body and an unhealthy diet further exacerbate it. How a gout-stricken patient found motivation to get better, lost weight and get rid of his condition.

5 Unhealthful And Discomforting Crash Diets Side Effects

Rapid weight loss is tempting, especially if you’re attending an upcoming event, however, there are crash diets side effects to be wary of. Going on a crash diet may seem like a good idea if you’re impatient to go through healthy weight loss. Then again, you could be putting your health at risk by losing weight too quickly.

7 Adverse Side Effects Of Dieting Pills – Why You Should Stick To Healthy Weight Loss

Diet pills can bring rapid weight loss, but there are some caveats you need to heed about the side effects of dieting pills. If you’re planning to take diet pills, be aware that the dangers of taking them may outweigh the benefits of their promised weight loss.

Why Should You Buy a Trampoline?

Trampolines have become very important for fitness purposes. However, there are various other reasons for buying a trampoline.

What Is Inflammation & How It Affects You

I have to say the topic of this article is nightmare bait for those who know what it is capable of. I often check under the bed at night just to make sure it is not there. Today’s topic/villain is… Inflammation! In this article I will be going over what inflammation is, how it can put the hurting on all those gains you have been trying to make and how best to avoid or outright eliminate the accumulation of such a fat trigger. Let’s get into the information.

5 Amazing Benefits Of The Paleo Diet For Health, Energy And Weight Loss

Paleo eating is eating the primal way, but the benefits of the Paleo diet are awesome. People get into the Paleo diet for different reasons, and it affects them in different ways. They experience different changes in their figures, their moods and their energy, but many of them agree that the Paleo diet made them feel good. Here is a list of the benefits of the Paleo diet.

Top 8 Foods That Can Help You In Weight Loss

Excess weight or obesity has become a major disease in all over the world, especially in cities because there’s a high consumption of unhealthy and fast foods. Here are top 8 food items that will help you to reduce weight effectively.

Become a Lady Boss At Losing Weight

Unleash your inner boss, lose the weight, and keep it off. You can REFUSE to let food control you, and you can take control of food, and your weight. I believe in you! So unleash your inner boss and go for it! It’s your time!

The 4-Letter Word Women Love, But Hate!

This article will enlighten you on a 4-letter word that is helpful but also often misunderstood. Just understanding things better can mean a huge difference for you. It can also help you to manifest long-term results as it relates to your weight loss efforts.

Weight Loss – The Sneaky Way Meditation Can Help Your Weight Loss Journey

Looking to get a jumpstart on your weight loss results? One thing you may want to consider is meditation. Now, when most people think of meditation, they tend to think of sitting somewhere and chanting “om” over and over again. And while that can be one way to look at meditation, it can be so much more. In fact, meditation can help combat stress, lower blood pressure, improve your heart health and assist those who are suffering from Type 2 diabetes. In addition, new studies also now indicate meditation may help you put down that cookie as well.

I Want To Get Rid Of My Belly for Summer – What Do I Do?

As an endurance athlete folks often ask for advice as if I were some sort of personal trainer guru. I don’t mind, in a way it’s a complement and a testament to my physical condition and health. Not long ago, I was asked by a gal at Starbucks, who happened to be sipping on a 780 calorie Frappachino with whip cream, and extra pumps of syrup and drizzle. I was polite but firm, I didn’t want to pretend what she was doing right at that moment was part of her problem with obesity. Let’s talk, you see, this is the advice I gave her;

Kinds of Weight Loss Products Available Today

There are several weight loss products on the market, each promising you more than its competitors and in a short time. Most of these products are certified by local food and drug certification centres. The hallmark of these products is rapid weight loss. However, when one goes to the shops to buy one such product, it is extremely difficult to choose the right one, so here’s a little help on the kind of products available that can go a long way to reduce your weight effectively:

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