Why do we, like, hesitate when we, um, speak? – Lorenzo García-Amaya

Make the Right Choice and Lose Those Unwanted Pounds

Anything in life that is worthwhile has to be worked for. Working towards your ideal physique could be the best course of action you could take. Sitting back and expecting your body to change is a recipe for disappointment.

The Lose Weight Fast and Easy Solution

If you are like many other people who have tried over and over to lose weight, only to lose hope and give into cravings, you will find that there is a proven tested method for losing weight and keeping it off painlessly and without effort. With healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss that are easy to make and delicious to drink you’ll find it easier than ever before to lose weight and keep it off.

Dieting for Weight Loss? How Keeping a Food Journal Can Help

Maybe you’ve been told that calories don’t count. Or perhaps you think tracking what you eat will be too much hassle. I want to persuade you that they do… and it won’t. So if you’re looking for a strategy to dramatically improve your fat-loss results, read on!

Don’t Go Into Pac-Man Mode When A Hunger Panic Strikes

Keep your body nourished throughout the day and don’t force it to go into starvation mode craving anything and everything. You will save your body the trauma of excessively eating Pac-Man style, and in turn adhere to your weight loss agenda in order to accomplish your overall goal.

Some Tips on How to Lose Weight Naturally

Are you fed up with the extra weight that you have put on over the Holiday Season and/or the weight you have been meaning to do something about that you have gained over some time? Well, its never to late to act on your desired goal of weight loss and the best thing is, you don’t have to put up with any crazy diets. Here are some tips.

Three Reasons to Have Liposuction for Men

Men have reasons to have liposuction done as well as women do. Consider these reasons as a springboard for why you might have it done.

How Triphala May Help You

Triphala is an Indian medicine and has numerous benefits. In this article are presented few of triphala benefits, tips about how to take it.

Weight Loss Tips for Health and Wellness

Staying healthy and fit is a goal most of us would like to achieve, and even harder, maintain. While there is not a “magic” pill we can take to make this happen (maybe someday), there are some simple and pain-free strategies we can use to help us along the way.

The Last Ten: Tips and Tricks for Dropping Those Stubborn Pounds

The last ten pounds are hard to get rid of. This article shows you how to maximize fat loss and burn up the extra weight.

What To Do When Life Throws You A Curve Ball

How do you handle an unforeseen event? I’m going to share with you how I handle life’s little curve balls.

7 Slimming Secrets

We’ve all seen and heard about these quick and easy ways to lose weight but more times than we’d like to admit, our wallets lost more than we did and, it didn’t stay off. Today, I want to share with you that lasting weight doesn’t happen overnight. However, if you follow the right plan you can lose weight AND live a healthier lifestyle.

Win Your Struggle With Weight Loss!

People tend to expend tremendous amounts of energy and blame themselves when self-control, willpower, and their usual white-knuckled approach leaving them discouraged with very little weight loss. There are a multitude of reasons for our struggle, many of which are unconscious. This article explains: It is not just about the food! Without recognizing and understanding your opponent, your struggle will continue to bring you more of the same results. This article will assist you in identifying what you are up against; as well as the range of reasons holding you back. You will be offered some tools to release the obstacles that get in the way of managing your weight. You are encouraged to give yourself that inner permission to succeed.

Menopause Weight Gain: What To Do About It

Menopause weight gain is very common, but for most women it can be very difficult to know what to do about it. This article is a summary of the key mistakes to avoid and the 6 key things you need to do to get menopause weight gain under control.

Alternative Weight Loss Tips

Do you want to lose weight? If so, you’re probably overwhelmed by the choices out there.

Don’t Have A Valentine’s Day Gift Yet, Maybe Something Active For You Both Can Inspire Fitness

This can be the ideal opportunity especially if the two of you have been tossing the idea around about losing weight and getting into shape. It’s been shown when couples make the commitment to exercise and workout together, there is an added bit of motivation and incentive to continue working towards the overall goal. When you have another person to motivate you on days when you may be lacking inspiration, and vice versa, it makes sense why having a partner can help keep you on track.

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