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New Year, New Diet for Weight Loss?

Eating a balanced diet is so crucial for weight loss nutrition, yet many people neglect this and go chasing crash and fad diets. Without luck in getting slim, they end up making themselves sick and may suffer serious medical problems due to poor nutrition. Stop looking for magic diets or short cuts and start planning for a sound weight loss program to deliver on your new year resolutions.

Weight Loss – Be Healthy

This article describes how the author lost 40 pounds in 3 months following his doctor’s orders. It’s not for everyone, only for people who actually want to lose weight, for people who don’t use ‘diet’ as a conversation piece, but really want to do it. Anybody can do this and it’s free.

The Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery Procedures

There are many different weight loss procedures to choose from when deciding to undergo bariatric surgery. In this article, I will explain the three most common types of weight loss surgery procedures and how they differ from each other.

“Personal Patience” – Overcoming Fat, the Weight Loss Disease

Patience is a funny thing, we all say we have it but our actions say differently. We need patience daily but a lot of us don’t practice it, especially with the one person we should practice it the most, and that’s with ourselves.

Boosting Metabolism for Weight Loss – Beware These Common Myths

People who try to lose weight want to see sustainable results, yet they fall prey to quick-fix solutions like fad diets and misinformation about how to boost metabolism. Taking diet pills, lowering calorie intake and not exercising correctly are common mistakes brought on by weight loss myths. Avoiding these and going with tried and tested, permanent strategies for losing weight is the sensible way to go.

5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Plan

So you’ve committed yourself to losing weight and eating healthy. Here are 5 ways you can jumpstart your weight loss program and regain your health.

Getting Off the Diet Rollercoaster – The Difference Between Diet Vs. Lifestyle Change

One of my fabulous clients described her journey towards permanent weight loss this way: “It’s like I was on a rollercoaster when I was dieting, now I’m in the driver’s seat, driving change.” I thought this was a great metaphor for dieting Vs. lifestyle change.

Pregnancy Weight Loss – Losing That Baby Fat

Women can struggle after pregnancy to lose those extra pounds, so called baby fat. Here are some tips that can help with pregnancy weight loss and pave the way to a more sustainable way to lose weight naturally.

Understanding Overweight and Obesity for Effective Weight Loss

Understanding the main causes of overweight and obesity can help a person lose weight effectively. By ridding of such causes, the weight loss battle is already half won. Then it becomes a more defined and surer approach to shed those extra pounds, with tried and true methods for gradual weight loss.

Healthy Diet and Exercise: Two Important Components to Eliminate Stomach Fat

A lot of individuals wanting to lose tummy fat realize that working out hard is critical for losing unwanted fat. However, many individuals remain aggravated by the absence of success from spending so much time doing exercises. The effective way to get rid of belly fat is not complicated. Nevertheless, it needs a couple of key factors to achieve it. Losing excess fat may not be easy but it should not be hard to understand.

Ways To Cope With Insatiable Food Cravings

A morsel more and you’ll wind up eating completely – that’s attraction. More precisely, that’s food yearning, a powerful feeling of gobbling your chosen food or treat that very instant. Cravings for food may induce anytime and usually powerful enough to diminish all of your dieting promises.

Fat Free Healthy Chocolate Fudge Recipe

You may really wonder where having a sweet tooth and adding nutritional value meet. Well, if this defines you, then wonder no more as a healthy fudge recipe endorsed by nutritionists can be that meeting point for such. For starters, the fudge is a dessert and should be seen as nothing junk. And if you are thinking this is another ‘healthy’ dessert made by quacks then you may have to think twice as it doesn’t derive its healthy aspect from lowering the fatty content and increasing the sugary bit.

Build Your Arsenal of Healthy Recipes for Dinner

If one of your main goals is learning how to reduce weight, then aside from getting into the habit of exercising on a regular basis, monitoring what you eat is one area you must take into consideration. Even if you workout five days a week, unless you monitor what you put in your mouth, it’s possible you could still gain weight.

Focusing on What to Eat to Lose Weight

Figuring out what to eat to lose weight can be the key to answering the question why can’t I lose weight. See what you can immediately start doing right from home and never again wonder why can’t I lose weight or what to eat to lose weight.

Eating Less to Lose Weight – Keep It Simple With Healthy Foods

Eating less to lose weight is the simple logic behind weight loss: put in less calories and burn more stored fats. And you can do this without going hungry by eating healthy foods that are filling. This takes care of weight loss nutrition and keeps your body nourished as you start to lose weight.

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