What Happens When You Stop Processed Food | Massive Boost In Weight Loss, Inflammation And Way More

When It Comes to Weight Loss, Giving Up Is Not an Option

Working your way towards a healthier weight is not a simple task. Most people who are trying to lose weight need to break years – maybe decades – of unhealthy habits. As you may well know, this is not an easy undertaking. It requires an unwavering commitment to your diet and exercise plan even when life gets stressful – which is every day for most of us.

How To Find A Diet Program That Is Not Just Effective, But Also Makes It Easy To Stay Consistent

Do you have a hard time staying consistent with a diet? Here is how to find a diet program that not only works well, but is also easy to stick to…

Raw Food For Weight Loss And Better Health

It seems like everyone is on a weight loss plan these days but very few are actually succeeding in shedding the extra pounds. One of the easiest and most natural ways to reach a healthy weight quickly and painlessly, is to eat a raw food for weight loss.

3 Simple Weight Loss Tips for Women

Admittedly many women find it difficult to shed some pounds. There are just too many things to battle to achieve this goal. Despite this, the concept behind losing weight should be simple.

3 Clear Reasons Why You Should Stick With Natural Dieting (It’s More Than Just Permanent Results)

Most people know that natural dieting is what gets you permanent results. But, there are 3 more powerful reasons why you should natural dieting…

Weight Issues Nobody Talks About

Because I am a registered dietitian/nutritionist with a passion for good living I get annoyed with the general misconception surrounding weight issues. For example, in order to maintain a healthy weight one has to deprive themselves of the important experience of food, by eating unpalatable meals. Another misconception (promoted by the latest reality shows) has individuals working out 8 hours/day doing extremely rigorous exercises. I cannot exclude the commercials pushing exercise equipment or pills and supplements to miraculously melt fat away.

What Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

To be able to lose weight, it is important that you control what you eat and how much. But with the many diets available on the market saying contradicting things, how do we really know which food would help us take off those pounds? Well here is a list of what foods to eat to lose weight.

Is Sugar Bad For You? Some Is, Some Isn’t

Is sugar bad for you? This is a common question that health conscious people often ask. People need to know which foods are unhealthy and/or fattening so they can avoid them. But sugar is an enigma as it can be good or bad for you depending on the source.

How to Lose 10 Pounds With Diet and Exercise

Think you have tried everything to shed that last ten pounds of body fat? My advice is to exercise for 5 hours per week and eat whole foods, while being aware of your body’s natural hunger/fullness cues.

Weight Loss Meals – Have You Started Your Meal Plan To Lose Weight?

The key to starting your meal plan to lose weight is to keep it simple. Then it is no harder preparing weight loss meals than it is preparing other meals.

How To Stop Craving Bad Foods (WITHOUT Torturing Yourself And Feeling Miserable!)

Want to stop craving bad foods once and for all? Do you want to do this without feeling like crap? Here’s what to do…

The Truth With Working Out and Abs

Don’t waste your time doing crunches and wasting your money on products you see on tv. There are ways to lose weight that are real and that work! There’s a truth to the art of weight loss!

What Happens When You Starve Yourself?

I sincerely hope that you are not contemplating starving yourself just to lose some weight. If you are, I will quickly dissuade you – just read what I have to say.

How Many Calories Should I Burn To Lose 1 Pound Of Weight?

So you decided to start taking care of your body and health, and would like to know how many calories you need to burn to lose 1 pound of weight. It’s quite simple.

Will Losing Weight Make My Breasts Smaller?

This is a question that gets asked by a lot of women attempting to lose weight. Let me tell you what you should expect in terms of breast size once your done losing fat.

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