How I Calculate My Macros | Macros For WEIGHT LOSS (My Step-By-Step Process!)

Why Your Last Diet Failed

Everyday a new diet plan or book comes out that professes to be the last diet you’ll ever need. But so far, there is no one diet that works better than any other diet in MAINTAINING the weight loss you worked so hard to lose. But the diet industry has convinced you that it’s YOUR fault you regained the weight and to go on yet another diet. Learn why your last diet failed, why it’s not your fault, and how dieting is actually causing you to eventually gain even more weight!

The Weight Loss Checklist

Following these simple weight loss tips, anyone can lose 10 pounds or more in 3 weeks!I am going to share the steps for jump starting your diet when you need to lose weight in 3 weeks.

Low-Fat Diet: Which Low Fat Diet Plan Should You Follow?

To reduce weight, dieters must also reduce their fat consumption. That is what most diet programs promote, and you will likely feel that all these programs are the same. There are however keys in identifying which program will be best to follow a low-fat plan.

Quick Easy Guide to Weight Loss and Dieting for Beginners

Are you sick of being overweight? Does the reflection of the person you see in the mirror not match who you wish you were? Well, you’re not alone because obesity is one of the evils that are plaguing the modern society. Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that it’s not as easy as just following weight loss tips, especially when they lead a hectic lifestyle that goes far beyond the standard 9-to-5 routine.

5 Tips For Taming Hunger

Do you find that you are always hungry? Is the hunger insatiable? This can be very frustrating especially when you’re trying to watch your weight or slim down.

4 Reasons Why Your Diet Is Failing

Are you at the end of your rope in finding the right diet or diet plan truly works? Believe it or not, it may not be the diet that’s ineffective, but you! Don’t give up the fight to lose weight yet! Read up on these 4 reasons why most diets fail, and maybe you could identify what’s causing you this weight loss headache.

The 3 Weight Loss Foods Vandalizing Your Results

Eating and living healthy are the main ingredients that lead to weight loss and ultimately, long live. Dietary professionals advise people on what foods are required in a diet to achieve weight loss, but to most of you, these food types lead to little weight loss or worst still, no results at all!

Will You Lose Weight With The Alkaline Diet?

Heard some great things about alkaline diet? Read on to know the basic facts and how you can lose weight naturally.

Weight Management for a Lifetime: 10 Strategies

The word “diet” brings up bad memories for me. When I was a self-conscious teenager, I went on every fad diet there was, took over-the-counter diet pills, or limited my calories to the extreme. It was not a healthy way to lose weight, or to live, for that matter. The word diet brings to mind a temporary fix. So what’s another option? I like to think of it as weight management for a lifetime.

Oh Me, Oh My! What Can Be Done About This Battle Of The Bulging Belly?

In order to fight the good fight at reducing your bulging belly, it is a good idea to know what causes it. Many people are carrying around more weight around their middle than is desired. There is no doubt that people know how difficult it is to lost the belly fat but do they know what causes it?

3 Ways Positivity Improves Your Health And Enhances Weight Loss

A positive outlook is an incredibly vital factor for enjoying a healthy life. You can eat all the kale you can get your hands on, but if you take the pessimistic route on a daily basis, your health will suffer. A dose of optimism and a cheerful disposition is a great recipe for a healthier lifestyle and less stress.

8 Ways to Get Rid of Man Boobs

Do you have man boobs? If so, you may be looking for a way out. Typically, man boobs tend to develop due to excess body fat. Aside from this, they can appear due to your elevated testosterone drop and rising estrogens, which is a medical condition known as gynecomastia. If you want to get rid of this problem, you can try out the ways described below.

3 Tips To Handle Cravings And Hunger When Losing Weight

It’s inevitable, there will be some hunger and cravings when you’re trying to lose weight. For most people, feeling hungry is very uncomfortable which leads them to indulge and negate their weight loss efforts. In this article find out how to handle cravings and hunger when losing weight.

Tips to Maintain a Low Carb Lifestyle

If you want to go on a low carbohydrate diet, you have to do much more than making a dietary change since it’s a lifestyle change. As a matter of fact, it’s the act of rejecting the packaged and processed foods and opting for whole foods to provide your body with nourishment. It can be a challenge to start a low carb diet. Below are a few tips to help you get started.

How Not To Destroy Your Diet Over The Weekend

Do you find the weekends difficult to stay on track with your nutrition? I have for you some great tips (and a recipe) to help you stay laser-focused and reach your weight loss goals.

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