Insulin Keeps You Healthy

Appetite Suppressants Versus Anti-Suppressants: Which One’s Better?

A recent post on Facebook got me thinking. A “friend” who sells a popular MLM product that promotes weight loss listed “appetite suppressant” as one of the benefits of using the product, which prompted me to ask, “Why would you want to suppress your appetite?” Interestingly, she never answered me back.

Why We Get Fat – What To Do About It

On of the most asked questions about weight loss is why we get fat and what to do about it. Even though the answers are very simple, the problem is that most people are unaware of the basic reasons behind obesity. Let us look into the major factors of gaining weight here.

Use These Great Weight Loss Tips

Weight loss may feel like an insurmountable challenge, particularly if you have a substantial amount to lose. However, it is not as difficult as you may think. Try these tips in order to manifest your dream of losing weight.

A Quick Introduction To The New Weight Loss Supplement, Garcinia Cambogia

A new supplement that is recently gaining popularity is called Garcinia cambogia extract. Garcinia cambogia is a fruit from India and certain parts of Asia that kind of looks like a small pumpkin and is green to light orange in color.

How to Survive the Holidays Without Gaining Weight: Three Easy Tips

The holidays are a time for family, friends, and fun, but also with food, sweets, and parties galore. This can be a difficult time for many to lose weight or maintain current levels of weight loss. Three easy tips on how to survive the holiday parties and family gatherings while maintaining your weight loss.

Women’s Weight Loss Shakes – Tasty and Effective Weight Loss

Women’s Weight Loss Shakes that are healthy for long term results. Leucine filled shakes help keep muscle during weight loss. Maintaining muscle mass keeps your metabolism strong and therefore your ability to burn calories is not jeopardized.

Burn More Calories With Weight Lifting

Many people never lift weights because of fear; getting injured, looking bulky or not knowing how to start. This article shares compelling reasons why adults of every age should be lifting weights two to three times each week. The results for most people include weight loss, improved basal metabolic rate, less pain and better balance.

Common Pitfalls On The Path To Getting Skinny

Losing weight can be very difficult. There are a number of common traps that people fall into which prevent them from losing weight, and I’ll admit that I failed numerous times at losing weight before I finally reached my goal. Read on for some of the prevalent pitfalls I fell into, and how you can avoid them.

Extreme Weight Loss Can Be Risky

People are willing to do anything with their body to lose weight. Today, the pressure on people to look thin is more than ever, and this makes them to turn to dangerous and extreme methods to lose weight. Here are a few extreme methods to lose weight:

Dieting Rubbish

Your body is a machine and dieting is a science. Unfortunately, there are plenty of diets out there that are far from proven and tend to place the term pseudo at the fore of the aforementioned ‘S’ word. Below are the diet myths that cause scientists and dieticians to frown and scratch their chins in bemusement.

Crazy Exercises That Are NOT Going to Help You Lose Weight

In one of my previous posts I showcased just some of the crazy claims regarding diets people have done over the years. So, as a compliment to that, I’ve come up with a showcase of some of the amazingly absurd fitness products produced and purchased through the years. Here’s a list of a few of the most horrifying and bizarre products ever seen on this green earth.

These 3 Foods Accelerate Weight Loss

Losing weight can be difficult, with some foods making the process even harder. But what about the foods which actually make losing weight easier? Below are some tasty options that which will help burn that blubber.

Losing Weight Is Simple When You Know How

Most people find weight loss a daunting task. However, if you know how, you can see results within weeks. Have a read to find out how to burn fat fast.

Solid Tips on How to Lose 10 Pounds

It is important to maintain a normal weight for your height and age, to prevent disease. Weight control and fitness improve your physical appearance, enhance your self-esteem and help you have control over your physical well-being. Each individual is so different from the other regarding individual food preferences and body chemistry, so the best way to lose weight is to work out a program that will suit you. Basically food intake and daily exercise are the two essential components that you can control to influence the weight loss dynamic.

Your Metabolism – What It Is And How To Increase It To Lose More Fat

Many people talk about metabolism, “Oh, I have a slow metabolism and that’s why I gain weight easily.” or “She has a fast metabolism and can eat anything she wants without getting fat.” However, many people aren’t familiar with what your metabolism actually is, what contributes to it and how you can use this information to stay lean.

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