Use the Plate Method

Fat Loss Tips – The 6 Commandments of Fat Burning

If you want to burn fat, make no surprise, you have a big fight ahead of you. That’s why it is so important to know all of the little fat loss tips and tricks that will give you the edge you need to keep making progress week after week. I call these the 6 Commandments of Fat Burning because if you follow them, you will burn more fat in less time.

The Benefits of a Weight Journal

How many of you have thought about losing weight at one time or another? Let’s face it, losing weight is something most of us hope to do at some point in our lives. For some of us, it is a constant battle. Many of you have probably read many weight loss plans and diets that implement the use of a weight loss journal. However, how many of you have actually taken the time to create and use one in your everyday life? Probably not many.

How To Deal With Childhood Obesity?

These days, childhood obesity is higher than ever, and with the busy schedule of most parents, it can be quite difficult finding the time to make sure your kid is getting the proper nutrition he or she deserves. Childhood obesity not only results in physical health problems for your child, but psychological ones as well. A child who is severely overweight is much more likely to have self-esteem issues compared to a child of a healthy weight.

Customized Fat Loss: The New Working Approach To Weight Loss You Should Try

There are many weight loss diets and programs in the market today. Despite this, many people are still struggling to lose weight with more people increasingly getting out of shape. While it may be said that the people who are trying to lose weight are to blame, the number of people who desperately try these fat loss diets without success is staggering. So many people cannot be wrong. It all points to a problem with the programs and diets designed to help them to shed off excessive fat. Having a customized fat loss program is what you need for your attempts at losing weight to be successful. Here are the reasons why you should look for a diet and fat loss workouts that are customized and not just what people say has worked for them.

Extreme Weight Loss – 7 Nutrition Tips To Lose Weight Fast (Part 2)

Welcome to Part 2 of this 3-Part article. I would like to present to you a further 7 nutrition tips that will help you achieve extreme weight loss and ultimately the body of your dreams. If you combine these 7 tips with those discussed previously, you can expect the fruits of your labour to be much sweeter.

10 Fast Weight Loss Tips You Need To Use!

Weight loss can be tough, but if you make a plan and stick to it, you will succeed. Check out the following ways in which you can vastly improve your eating lifestyle and take those pounds off.

Simple and Forward Weight Loss Advice: You Can’t Lose Without It

Many people set out to lose weight, but for one reason or another fail to meet their goals. You have got to have discipline and a good plan and just stick with it! No, it won’t be easy, but the health benefits are just too important to a body and you will look so much better too! Pay attention to the following five steps, you will be needing them for your new weight loss plan!

Fat Loss Tips – The Other 6 Commandments of Fat Burning

In a previous article, titled “The 6 Commandments of Fat Burning”, I shared with you 6 fat loss tips, which if followed, will supercharge your weight loss progress. Now that you have hopefully put the other tips into action, I present you with the other half of the equation. By combining these commandments with those mentioned in the previous report, your weight loss progress will be unstoppable.

What Difference Does Mindset Make to Your Weight Loss Success

People often underestimate the power of their own thoughts in determining their success or failure in reaching goals. This article explains some of the pitfalls people fall into with negative mindsets.

Burn More Fat – 5 More Easy Ways To Burn Fat Faster

This article discusses some of the simple every day things we can do to burn fat faster and lose weight. Five more easy ways to burn fat faster is a continuation of a previous article written by the author.

Winter Superfoods

Winter is fast getting closer… and with it comes a barrage of delicious, seasonal food & drink. Your Christmas Pudding, your Christmas roast, your bottle(s!) of wine over the holiday period; it all adds up, and come New Year’s Eve, you’re already pledging to lose what you’ve put on over the festive period But, why not try it the other way around this year? You don’t have to cut out everything you enjoy, but below are a few ideas of Winter Superfoods that are great for this time of the year, and won’t leave you regretting eating them come New Year’s!

What’s the Best Protein Shake? Comparing Visalus, Isagenix, Shakeology, and More

What is the best protein shake for weight loss? Building muscle? Overall health?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery: 9 Facts You Should Know

Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most well known procedures for weight loss, but it’s not necessarily for everyone. To help you determine if you’re a potential candidate for surgery, consider these important facts about the gastric sleeve procedure and how it works.

Intermittent Fasting and the Paleo Diet

An introduction to Intermittent Fasting and how it can help you overcome plateaus in your quest to lose weight with the Paleo Diet. I go over some of the benefits, and how to get yourself started.

Safe Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Losing weight after pregnancy is extremely essential and most women struggle to do so. A common complaint is that women struggle losing weight while pregnant and weight loss after pregnancy takes much more time than desired. Two quick facts to put some myths to rest – losing weight while pregnant is not essential or warranted and if it takes a while losing weight after pregnancy then you should not get anxious, it is only natural.

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